The Basic Face Massage Steps

1. After cleansing the face and applying Joyal Beauty face serums, cup hands around the head, with thumbs resting on the forehead and fingertips at the temples. Smooth out the forehead in strips-starting along the eyebrows, working up toward the hairline.
2. Press between the eyebrows with your thumbs. Repeat, moving up the center of the forehead to the hairline.
3. Massage temples, using circular motion with fingers. Continue circles down along the jawbone to the chin.
4. Using your fingertips, draw a line under the cheekbone and out to the temples. Repeat, taking the line lower down the cheek each time.
5. Use the fingertips to draw a big moustache shape from the upper lip out to the temples, and circle the temples one more time.
6. Press softly around the upper bone of the eye sockets, starting from the bridge of the nose, out to the corner of the eye. Repeat, this time working carefully around the eye socket under the eyes.
7. Gently massage the ears between your thumbs and fingers, starting at the earlobe and moving around and up to the top of the ear.
8. Pull ears very gently, again starting with the lobe and moving gradually to the top of the ear.
9. Cup hands and rest them over the eyes. Breathe in and out deeply several times. Mediate every cell on your face is relaxing and happy. Then release the hands.
You may do those steps every day after cleansing and applying Joyal Beauty natural skincare products. You just need several minutes to do this step but it makes difference. You will see amazing positive results in a short period of time