Don't Fry: Preventing Skin Cancer
(Source: The American Cancer Society / website link: May, 2014)
Skin cancer is the most common of all cancer types. More than 3.5 million cases of non-melanoma skin cancer are diagnosed each year in the United States, and more than 76,000 cases of melanoma (the most serious form of skin cancer) are expected to be diagnosed in 2014. That’s why the American Cancer Society and the National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention have designated the Friday before Memorial Day as Don’t Fry Day –– this year it falls on May 23, 2014.
Although skin cancer risk factors are present every day, the dangers are greater during the long days of summer when you may spend more time in the sun. This infographic focuses on easy-to-follow tips to help you be sun sensible and reduce your risk of skin cancer.
Skin cancer is the most common of all cancer types. More than 3.5 million cases of non-melanoma skin cancer are diagnosed each year in the United States, and more than 76,000 cases of melanoma (the most serious form of skin cancer) are expected to be diagnosed in 2014. That’s why the American Cancer Society and the National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention have designated the Friday before Memorial Day as Don’t Fry Day –– this year it falls on May 23, 2014.
Although skin cancer risk factors are present every day, the dangers are greater during the long days of summer when you may spend more time in the sun. This infographic focuses on easy-to-follow tips to help you be sun sensible and reduce your risk of skin cancer.
Our Recommendation: At day time, before apply sunscreen, apply Joyal Beauty Super Brightening Vitamin C Serum for better protection. While it’s not a replacement for sunscreen, Vitamin C Serum protects against and repair UV damage like discoloration and fine lines. Joyal Beauty Vitamin C Serum is parabens-free and contains no harmful chemicals, no artificial colors and no fragrance. It is very important to avoid those cosmetic products with harmful chemicals to prevent skin cancer.
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* Please support The American Cancer Society to save lives! To donate directly to them, please click their online donation link and learn more: Thank you for your support. We are together to make the world better! Please click the logo below to go to The American Cancer Society official website to learn more: